The body composition specialist

6 Tips That Will Dramatically Improve your body for life

If you are looking to create a full transformation, meaning not just transform your physical appearance, but your health and spiritual self as well, you’ve come to the right place.

Whenever you approach a transformation, you don’t want to just focus on making changes on the outside. Sure, those changes are great, but if that’s all you focus on, they’ll rarely last.

Instead, you want to focus on building new habits for life. Habits that will stick with you no matter where you go and help make you healthier, stronger, and all around, more competent in everything that you do. When you take a wholesome approach like this, you’ll naturally improve your body composition in the process.

Over the last 10 years, I have been witness to all kinds of transformations. Generally speaking, I can group them into two categories: short-term transformations and long-term transformations.

Short-term transformations often do more harm than good. They’re often based on quick-fix strategies and often just focus on an aesthetic outcome. They are superficial, lead to you feeling deprived, aren’t well thought out, may cause malnourishment, and are generally unhealthy.

Long-term transformations on the other hand stick with you for the long-haul. They’re done using smart approaches, always address the root causes of why you are unhealthy/overweight in the first place, focus on improving health first and foremost, and look at all elements of your well-being.

If you want a transformation that sticks, I’d highly suggest the long-term transformation approach.

With all of this said, let me share with you six of the best tips I can give you to get your transformation started on the right foot. In the coming series of articles, you are going to learn the in’s and out’s of perfecting your transformation, so I want you to keep these in mind at all times.

Focus On Strength Training

First, you’ll want to put a great deal of focus on the strength training element of things. Don’t overlook the power strength training has over giving you that transformation effect.

You can lose weight with just diet alone, but it’s a proper strength training program that will completely change how your body looks.

Eliminate Toxic Food And Start The 14 Day Nutrition Challenge

Next, you must tend to your nutrition if you are going to see results. Take into consideration the fact that your average hour-long workout will burn around 600 calories or so. This can be eaten back in about five minutes with the wrong food choices.

What you eat does matter and plays a big role in the results that you see. You’ll want to focus on eliminating toxic food from your diet – all the refined foods that set you up for weight gain and start our 14 day nutrition challenge.

This will help you get on track quickly and start eating right from day one.

Pay Attention To Gut Health

Along with eating the right foods, you also need to consider gut health in the big picture here. The state of your gut influences how well your body is able to utilize the foods you eat, your overall energy level, your risk factor for nutritional deficiencies, and also your immune health.

It’s not something you can take for granted, but yet most people don’t even consider it.

A good intake of probiotics (healthy bacteria) and foods rich in natural digestive enzymes is best.

Do Metabolic Conditioning

As far as cardio goes, it’s time to ditch those hour-long sessions on the treadmill, bike or elliptical. This cardio work is doing very little to boost your fitness level and even less to help you get a lean body.

Instead, consider metabolic conditioning. This is intense cardio that alternates between very intense bouts of exercise with active rest periods, often utilizing strength based exercises in the process.

It’s the form of cardio that will help elevate your cardiovascular fitness level all while spiking your metabolism and helping you really crank up the dial on fat burning.

Plus, it’s also faster so you can get out of the gym and on with your life.

Prioritize Sleep And Recovery

If there’s one thing I cannot stress enough to you, sleep would be it. Those who aren’t sleeping enough at night aren’t going to be recovering between their workout sessions and thus will constantly be putting in less than optimal performance.

In addition to that, not getting enough sleep at night can also set you up to experience fat gain thanks to an increased secretion of the hormone cortisol. It’s not a situation you want to find yourself in.

A good night’s sleep really is like the fountain of youth and the biggest boost to your progress you can find. Get to bed earlier each and every night – even on weekends.

Supplement Wisely

Finally, make sure that you are supplementing wisely. Don’t be so quick to jump on every supplement that comes your way that promises fast results. Most won’t deliver.

Supplement with vitamins and minerals that have been proven over time and will produce the results your after.

Understanding and supplementing with the foundation supplements protocol can dramatically upscale the timeline of results and more importantly boost your health status to new heights.


  • Quality Multi vitamin
  • Digestive enzyme – broad spectrum
  • Fish oil
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Pro biotic
  • Vitamin D

Beyond that, you can then focus on performance-based supplements that help enhance energy levels, fend of fatigue in the gym, and potentially offer some metabolic enhancement for fat loss.

But always remember you never want to rely on supplements. Supplements are meant to supplement your diet and exercise program, not replace them.

Keep these tips in mind and I promise you, you will be on your way to a successful transformation.