The body composition specialist

Too Legit to Quit: Coconut Oil Is Massively Good for You, Do Not Believe the Hype

One wonders if the coconut and coconut oil industry is suffering some kind of backlash from industrial soybean farmers worried about sales. One would think someone had pi#$% off a pharmaceutical company!


It’s 100% what’s going on with coconut oil here folks. Are we really supposed to believe we’re supposed to return to toxic seed oils after all this? To COTTONSEED and SAFFLOWER oil?

But don’t believe the hype. Coconut oil, like olive oil, is still healthy, folks– so, do not just toss up your hands on this one and go back to industrial oil seed oils, unless you’re using them to oil a creaky door or lubricate a car engine. That’s all those oils are good for.

So what’s going on then?

Well, one little study has muddied the waters. Why, I do not know because no one has ever stated that saturated fat does not lower cholesterol. All we’ve been saying is that if you’re going to use fat, use healthier fats that seed oils period – and you cannot tell me canola oil is better than coconut oil. You cannot tell me something polluted with harsh chemicals that causes oxidative damage to our bodies at a cellular level and mutates DNA is good. No.

( (check out this video for how industrial seed oils are incorporated into your cell’s membranes!)

Although you may feel somewhat confused by this new report by the American Heart Association this month (June 2017) — all the study says is to limit dietary saturated fats to below 30 grams per day—because saturated fats might raise bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Well, duh.

No one ever said it didn’t. The trouble is, they didn’t also say that coconut oil balances this out with raising good cholesterol while other fats (besides olive oil) ONLY raise bad cholesterol.

Then everyone jumped on the bandwagon, probably hired by some people, who were hired by some people who work for some people. None of whom knows who is at the helm of this “fake news” movement. Kind of like the Kennedy assassination.

Man, I am ON today.

Well, we live in the age of the internet. One little article goes live and then some blogger gets hired or several do to run with said story in hopes of catching the whole movement toward coconut oils, sprays, and solids now that it’s finally caught on.

It’s the same thing going on with all those vacuum cleaners you bought after reading five pages of reviews that said that it was “the best purchase I’ve ever made. Boy can this thing go!” and “I’ve never seen anything suck like this” when you later learn that what they really mean by “suck like this” was . . . that it . . . sucks. They were hired! Yeah! I see this all the time with even respectable companies who don’t have to resort to paid reviewers.

But the industrial seed oil people are in some real trouble I am certain.

In short – coconut oil is not bad and it’s not just good –it’s great and you should be using it like all get out.

Coconut oil CAN indeed raise bad cholesterol levels. But the study doesn’t mention all the research stating coconut oil raises good HDL levels as well. See study, study.

In fact, researchers in Brazil have found that coconut oil produces a significant rise in HDL cholesterol in patients with cardiovascular disease. See study.

And, in a 12 week double blind study published in the journal Lipids in 2009, researchers took 40 obese women, gave them either coconut oil or soybean oil for 12 weeks in a supplement. And coconut oil not only lowered bad cholesterol and raised good cholesterol, it also helped reduce waist circumference, which, more than any other determinant we know of, including BMI, is the best predictor of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, two diseases no one wants, because they are the first in a series of deadly dominoes that begin to fall one after the other, leading to death, obesity, and cancer.

In fact, the coconut oil group evidenced

  • Increased levels of good/HDL cholesterol
  • Decreased bad cholesterol in their LDL/HDL ratio
  • Reduced waist circumference and abdominal obesity

While the soybean oil group presented with high bad cholesterol, low good cholesterol, no reduction in waist circumference, increased total serum cholesterol, and inreases LDL to HDL ratios. So, to those bashing coconut oil so preposterously I say—and I quote Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting on this:

“How do you like them apples?” See for yourself in the study right there.

All the Benefits of Coconut Oil You Need to Know About

Plus, coconut oil has a slew of health benefits besides being about one of the healthiest oils you can use for frying, sautéing, or bulletproof coffee if you fancy, around.

Coconut oil has been found to protect against liver damage and fatty liver disease.

Coconut oil has been found to help protect the liver against damaging toxins as well. For example, coconut oil has been found to help normalize blood lipids and protect coconut oil is good for the gall bladder and kidneys as well, something you cannot say about any other oil.

Coconut oil has also been associated with improved blood sugar, insulin levels, and helping prevent diabetes.

Also, coconut oil has been found to help strengthen our absorption of vitamins and minerals.

When topically applied is is wonderful for the skin, helping to nourish our NMF in the moisturizing layer of the skin, keep skin youthful, and aid in wound healing.

And those are just the side benefits.

Let me tell you about the what the best benefits of coconut oil are though, and then, I want you to just stop Googling coconut oil for awhile until this all dies down.

Oh yes. One caveat:

Just as there healthy vegetables (organic) that are not fortified with pesticides and genetically bred until they are devoid of nutrients and full of only sugar water, the healthiest of coconut oils are raw, extra virgin coconut oils that still smell of the coconut. And coconut is pretty easy to smell. You’ll know when you have a good one.

What the Research Says About the Wonderful Benefits of Amazing, Nourishing, Weight Loss Aiding, Cardiovascular Health Boosting, Diabetes-Fighting, Waist Whittling Coconut Oil

It’s Clean Fuel the Body Uses More Easily and Readily

Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, which increases good cholesterol, decreases bad cholesterol, encourages weight loss and can be immediately used in the blood stream as fuel as opposed to being stored as fat. Why? Coconut oil is full of MCTs (medium Chain Triglycerids) that go directly to the liver, where they’re transformed into energy for you to use, burn, and thrive upon. Not stored as fat.

The way it works is that long chain triglycerides, the kinds of fats in vegetable oils for example, these fats are digested slowly, and are digested with the aid of bile and pancreatic enzymes, and are stored as opposed to directly used for energy. Coconut oil’s MCTs do not have to be digested with enzymes and bile, they pass right through the intestinal wall and into the blood where they go to the liver to be transformed into ketones, which as those who love the ketogenic know is that clean fat fuel our bodies and brains love.

According to research, this oil has medium-chain fatty acids which heighten metabolism and energy, thus stimulating the thyroid. In fact, as this study notes, the MCTs in coconut oil actually enhance thermogenesis (fat burning), prevent fat storage, and aid in preventing metabolic syndrome.

It’s Good Fuel for Your Brain and Prevents Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline

Because of coconut’s high MCT content, coconut oil is very neuroprotective. Remember that ketone energy we just talked about. Well, ketone energy is very good for the brain. Scientists have found in studies, that in Alzheimer’s there is a significant reduction in their ability to dertive brain fruel from carbohydrates and derive much brain fuel from ketone bodies instead. All kinds of hopeful studies are underway studying the long range effects of CO supplementation for AD patients. See study. In one recent study, researchers discovered that MCTs helped to stimulate brain functions for patients with milder forms of AD already! See study.

Coconut Oil is Great for Gum and Tooth Health

If you haven’t heard of “oil pulling” you soon will be. Researchers have discovered all kinds of new things recently about how to banish gingivitis and bad breath with xylitol gum, and also, how pulling coconut oil can reverse gingivitis and milder forms of gum disease. Study

Coconut Oil May Cure Cancer One Day: We’re Already Seeing it Fights It

Cancer Prevention and Treatment

The lauric, caprylic, and capric acid in the MCTs in coconut oil have been found to induce apoptosis, the death of cancer cells, in two studies. In one study, coconut oil helped reduce cancer cell growth and proliferation by 70 to 90%. See study. This study evidences how coconut oil’s unique blend of acids help stimulate the genes responsible for inducing apoptosis in cancer cells.

Dr. Axe explains,

Coconut oil has two qualities that help it fight cancer. One, because of the ketones produced in its digestion. Tumor cells are not able to access the energy in ketones and are glucose dependent. It is believed that a ketogenic diet could be a possible component of helping cancer patients recover. Two, as the MCFA’s digest the lipid walls of bacteria, they also can kill the helicobacter pylori bacteria that has been known as increasing the risk of stomach cancer. Even in studies where cancer is chemically induced, the introduction of coconut oil prevents cancer from developing!

Virgin Coconut Oil: Diabetes Preventative and Blood Sugar Stabilizer

This is where the science gets really fascinating. You’ve probably heard of populations who rely heavily on saturated fat oils, such as Ghee and coconut oil like India. A study in 1998 evidenced that when Indians abandoned traditional fats like ghee and coconut oil, and started using PUFA-based industrial seed oils such as canola, sunflower, and safflower oils, the rates of diabetes became alarmingly there skyrocketed.3 See study.

Studies carried out in many South Pacific Island countries have revealed the same thing: whenever natives in countries like these abandon their traditional coconut oil cookery, for more Westernized industrial seed oils, diabetes and cardiovascular disease in these populations raises significantly.

A study done in 2009 found that a diet rich in coconut oil protects against ‘insulin resistance” (see study) and another study in 2010 found that SFA rich vegetable oils like coconut oil helped improve glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetic rats. The study concluded: “The. Lauric acid present in coconut oil may protect against diabetes-induced dyslipidemia.” See study.

It’s the Best Oil, Hands Down, For Weight Loss

If you want to help tame a voracious appetite and lose belly fat, keep blood sugar stable so you can dip down in your fat stores, boost metabolism and lose weight faster, coconut oil is the oil for you. Way back in 1985, while everyone was singing the praises of deadly industrialseed oils, a little study published in the Journal of Toxicology found that a single injection of the capric acid that coconut oil is so rich in resulted in “initially rapid, then gradual decrease in food consumption and a parallel loss of body weight” in male rats. This same study found that capric acid helps your body to burn fat for fuel because, as we pointed out earlier, it is such a clean, ketone producing fuel. So, it works, folks. A more recent study proved why it works however—and this is interesting, in this now famous study titled “Medium-Chain Fatty Acids Attenuate Agonist-Stimulated Lipolysis, Mimicking the Effects of Starvation,” researchers found that supplementing with MCTs like those found in CO helped simulate so much fat burning that it was similar to the effects of flat out starvation. See study.

Now, if you haven’t noticed by the studies published here above, the major benefits of coconut oil seem to be that it is preventative of some of the most deadly, widespread, and killing diseases throughout the world: diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cancer.

I think that what’s up with the coconut oil backlash right now is that it is catching on. I was reading on a diabetes forum earlier an exchange between some 50 persons, young, old, and parents of diabetic children, who had been able to go off insulin for the first time in their entire lives after instituting a coconut oil protocol. Same results on a breast cancer forum.

I think people have been listing and it’s been hurting profits for some major corporations who are missing all the money they were making off of mere waste products in cancer-causing, obesity promoting, heart attack yielding, and highly toxic industrial seed oils that are made with enough toxins to kill an elephant.

You are what you eat folks.

Would you rather eat the oil of a lovely organic coconut, or some of that sludge they scrape out of the vats at Hardee’s? One enhances health, one destroys your cell’s membranes, causing direct oxidative damage, harming your energy stores, hurting your crucial life-force giving mitochondria, and making you susceptible to cancer, diabetes, obesity and MetS.

You decide.