The body composition specialist


The Jackson Litchfield Guide to Eating for Beautiful, Youthful Skin

You are what you eat. I’ve said this before and this is so especially true for your skin. Vitamins and minerals are so crucial for skin that this is one of the first place nutritional deficiencies will show up. In fact, the skin is like...

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Too Legit to Quit: Coconut Oil Is Massively Good for You, Do Not Believe the Hype

One wonders if the coconut and coconut oil industry is suffering some kind of backlash from industrial soybean farmers worried about sales. One would think someone had pi#$% off a pharmaceutical company! Indeed! It’s 100% what’s going on with coconut oil here folks. Are we...

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Cellular health: Your key to optimal anti ageing, uncontrollable energy levels and long term disease prevention.

Science is revolutionizing the way we think about energy, nutrition, and the keys to long life. Today, advanced technology is teaching us more and more about a term you’ll soon be hearing all about on the web: cellular nutrition. Early research in nutrition focused on...

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What Hormones Do 101: How These Key Players Can Make All the Difference for Achieving the Body Composition You Want

Not tapping into your fat stores? Stuck at a plateau that won’t budge? Putting on belly fat suddenly yet you’ve tried every diet and training program out there? These are some of the frustrations I hear from my clients and I always tell them, “That’s...

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Building better mental health: Proven strategies for optimising brain chemistry.

Neurotransmitters and You: How to Boost Mood and Enhance Your Quality of Life with Proven Strategies, Supplements and Healthy Protocols Today, more people suffer from depression and anxiety disorders than ever before. In 2012, approximately 350 million people were diagnosed with depression. A World Mental...

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