The body composition specialist


How Not to Be the 1 in 3: Understanding Insulin Resistance and Preventing Diabetes: Part 1

  If you haven’t heard the current diabetes statistics, prepared to be shocked. The other day while doing research on how to prevent and reverse insulin resistance, the piece I’m writing for you now, I came across a 2004 study that predicted the 2010 world...

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How to Maximize Your Brain Power and Enhance Neurogenesis Beyond Belief Part 2: Brain Food and Natural Nootropics to Make You Wicked-Smart

Last time I told you some excellent ways to enhance your brainpower through exercise, intermittent fasting, and cognitive enhancing exercise (keeping the brain fit through puzzles, writing, etcetera). Today, we’re going to talk about how nutrition can help us enhance neurogenesis, protect our brain’s health...

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How to Maximize Your Brain Power and Enhance Neurogenesis Beyond Belief: Part 1

 Neurogenesis is the growing study of how mammals (including us) generate new neurons, brain cells, and new neuron pathways . . . and it is revolutionizing science as we speak . . . Movies and shows such as Limitless, Lucy, and The Big Bang Theory...

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Why You Should Be Doing MetCon Instead of Traditional Cardio

Whether you call it HIIT, HIST, Tabata, or MetCon, metabolic conditioning-style interval workouts of all kinds can help you to melt the fat off your body, lose weight, and build muscle faster than any other form of exercise known to man. While steady state cardio...

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Jacksons go to supplements for a healthy, lean and strong body

After you work on getting your sleep, your eating, and your exercise right, it’s time to address whether you are able to meet recommended daily allowances of minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids with food alone. Even if you are trying to eat more vegetables, consume...

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