The body composition specialist

Blog: Fitness Category

Estrogen Dominance Part II: How to Crush Estrogen Dominance Completely

Estrogen Dominance Part II: How to Crush Estrogen Dominance Completely!   Last time, I gave you everything you needed to know about estrogen and estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is becoming a big problem today, because toxins in our environment, our food, and even our homes...

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Estrogen Dominance: Another 21st Century Health Problem Caused By Chemicals AND Obesity

The human endocrine system is intricate one, with estrogen and androgen hormones engaging in an intricate dance that is easily disrupted. If one dancer is absent, others rush in from the wings to “substitute” for it, which can set off a cascade of negative disruptions...

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How Not to Be the 1 in 3: Understanding Insulin Resistance and Preventing Diabetes Part 3: Exercise and Supplements to Enhance Insulin Sensitivity and Get You Lean, Fast

Both strength training and HIIT forms of exercise do wonders for insulin resistance and help enhance insulin sensitivity in everyone. Strength training  Although doctors have long prescribed cardiovascular exercise for treating diabetes, new studies are revealing that adding strength training to cardiovascular training, at least...

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How Not to Be the 1 in 3: Understanding Insulin Resistance and Preventing Diabetes Part 2: Nutritional Strategies to Enhance Insulin Sensitivity and Get You Lean, Fast!

You can reverse insulin resistance (IR), pre-diabetes, and even Type II Diabetes with Herculean efforts of willpower and a strict exercise regimen. All kinds of people are doing it. It takes two things. Can you guess what they are? Diet and exercise, of course. Of...

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How Not to Be the 1 in 3: Understanding Insulin Resistance and Preventing Diabetes: Part 1

  If you haven’t heard the current diabetes statistics, prepared to be shocked. The other day while doing research on how to prevent and reverse insulin resistance, the piece I’m writing for you now, I came across a 2004 study that predicted the 2010 world...

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