The body composition specialist

Make Me Powerful Part II: 16 Ways to Hyper-Fuel Your Body With Screaming Energy

I don’t know too many people who don’t wish they had more energy. So many things are pulling at our time today and there are so many things to do on the web, online with our finances, with our kids, homes, cars, computers, and then there’s work, working out, cooking, cleaning, and somehow finding real quality time to spare for those people who make living worthwhile.

The good news is that since we discovered how vastly important the mitochondria are to our mental, physical, and emotional health—how they fuel not only us with the energy to take every breath, take every step, complete every beat of our hearts, and how to nurture these and protect their membranes so that our precious energy doesn’t leach out, we are finding new levels of energy and motivation.

I know I am, and I want to tell you how to do this.

If you focus on the mitochondria, nurturing those little cellular batteries in each ad every one of your cells, you will be amazed at how much more energy you have in just three short weeks.

That’s why I call this: Jackson’s Recapture Your Childhood Energy in 21 Days. And you’ll regain more than that. You’ll become smarter, more motivated, clearer, and your performance in every area of your life will improve, from your stamina and endless generosity in bed to your going the extra mile at work and finally reaching the upper echelon of positions there.

First, let me tell you more about why the mitochondria are so important to tend to and cherish and pamper. If you start giving them just a little TLC, they will repay you with boundless energy more quickly than you could have mentioned.


The Key is Mitochondrial Biogenesis

Mitochondrial biogenesis means you heal the mitochondria you have, and improve their performance, and birth new mitochondria as well.

Strengthening extant mitochondria and protecting them by strengthening their membranes is what we just covered in the previous chapter.

But how do we feed our mitochondria the best energy fuel possible for maximum energy?

We have over 100,000 trillion of these mitochondria powerhouses in our body working constantly to produce ATP. In fact, our mitochondria themselves use over 90% of the oxygen we breathe.

If we could only grow bigger, stronger, mitochondria – and if we could only super power the body with more of them – we could become superhuman and simply trample upon all the predators that come our way.

That’s our only answer if you think about it. If you cannot defeat the enemy but you need to win the fight, it’s logical to say you’re going to have to strengthen yourself enough that you can beat said opponent.

Mitochondrial biogenesis is all about strengthening the mitochondria you have by giving them all the nourishment they need to thrive as well as to detoxify the metals, toxins, and poisons that are killing our mitochondria and causing cellular death.

It’s also about growing whole new mitochondria. So you can give your body more engines, more generators, more power to defeat enemies.

First, . . . .

What is mitochondrial biogenesis?

The term “mitochondrial biogenesis” means the growth and division of new mitochondria and this process of replicating mitochondria within a cell, in order to increase ATP production in response to an increased demand for energy.  All this is achieved through a complex network of activators, signaling proteins, and transcription factors from PGC-1, to AMPK, to SIRT-1, NRF-1 and NRF-2. All of these factors contribute to mitochondrial health, the division and replication of mitochondrial DNA, in mitochondrial metabolism and respiration, and the KREBS cycle, which helps us take energy from our food and transform it into energy at a cellular level, through the production of ATP. [1]

What causes mitochondrial biogenesis?

Different kind of stressors, such as exercise, fasting, extreme of heat and cold, hypoxia, and other stressors which produce a hormetic response in the body – hormesis signals the body, telling it to produce more mitochondria in response to a need for more energy.

As Jomayvaz and Shulman note, “Mitochondrial biogenesis is influenced by environmental stress such as exercise, caloric restriction, low temperature, oxidative stress, cell division and renewal and differentiation. Mitochondrial biogenesis is accompanied not only by variations in number, but also in size and mass.”[2]

The result of mitochondrial biogenesis is an expansion of the network of mitochondria within a cell, and an increase in the maximal amount of ATP that can be generated during intense exercise.  Mitochondrial Biogenesis results in our mitochondria growing in mass or increasing in numbers in every organ of our body, as well as the skin, muscles, brain, eyes, heart, muscles, bones.

Mitochondria, of course, permeate our body. Our hearts are packed with them, as is the liver and our muscles. Strengthening and protecting the mitochondria means improving the health of our organs, giving them the energy they need to remain healthy and resilient to stressors of all kinds, including toxins, psychological stress, illness, viruses, fungi, and bacteria. It’s the key to maximum health and resilience, period.

If you want to live to be 100 and live a rich life full of ambition and energy to do all the things in life you want and need to do, here are 97 ways to increase your mitochondria, protect them from damage, and improve the health of your mitochondria for your ultimate health and resilience to disease and degeneration in every system of the body.


Behaviors and Supplements that Spark Mitochondrial Biogenesis

If you want to spark mitochondrial biogenesis


  1. NATURAL astaxathin from haematococcus pluvialis

Astaxanthin is a powerful carotenoid that is naturally found in shrimp, salmon, algae, lobster, crab, and krill. It also increases mitochondria biogenesis through upregulating PGC-1α.

In fact, the fish highest in astaxanthin is salmon, and scientists believe that this is because astaxanthin helps fortify the fish with enough energy and endurance to swim upstream. And, indeed, one major benefit of astaxanthin is that it enhances strength, endurance, and energy and helps you recover faster after exercise.[3],[4],[5]

Astaxanthin has an extremely high antioxidant capacity and stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis by activating PGC-1α and it has been proven to enhance lipid metabolism as well.[6]

What to do?

 Unfortunately, today, many of our crustaceans come from highly toxic coastal waters. Many of these kinds of shellfish are highly toxic in metals such as mercury, for example, as are canned tuna, canned shrimp, and other sources like these. I recommend that you look to as close to natural supplements as possible.

  1. Up your DHA Consumption

How does it impact the mitochondria?DHA from fatty fish upregulate mitochondrial biogenesis.[7], [8]Getting more DHA in the diet has proven in studies to improve mitochondrial function.[9]

What to do?

Due to ocean pollution, I do not recommend eating any large predatory fish (shark, tuna, etc.). Wild caught fish is best, especially Alaskan. Eating lower on the food chain is best (sardines and krill, and oil from krill, for example). I also recommend good phospholipid supplements containing high quality krill oil.

  1. Curcumin rich in curcuminoids

How does it impact mitochondria?

Curcumin has powerfully ATP boosting, healing, reparative, and regenerative effects on the mitochondria. In studies, curcumin has been shown to protect mitochondria from injury and cell death.[10] In animal studies, curcumin decreases nitrosative and oxidative stress as well as mitochondrial dysfunction.[11] The curcuminoids in curcumin also helps birth new mitochondria by instigating mitochondrial biogenesis.[12]

What to do?

Take a curcumin supplement rich in curcuminoids, at least 90% curcuminoids. Take 400 to 600 milligrams of turmeric extracts (available in tablets or capsules) three times per day or as directed on the product label. Look for products standardized for 95 percent curcuminoids. Taking it with black pepper enhances the benefits of both turmeric and curcumin


  1. Eliminate blue light to support mitochondrial biogenesis

How does it impact mitochondria?

Blue light causes major disruption of your body’s circadian rhythms, inhibits melatonin release, and prevents restful sleep. Negative impacts on melatonin directly cause mitochondrial dysfunction, meaning the mitochondria weaken and die off.[13],[14],[15] Blue light also inhibits melatonin, which helps recharge the mitochondria when you sleep. [16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23]

What to do?

  • Use black out curtains in your bedroom to block out all sunlight and streetlight.
  • Eliminate any use of devices before bed (at least an hour, but two hours even better!


  1. Try infrared or LLLT therapy

How does it impact mitochondria?

LLLT (low level laser therapy) uses high spectrums of red light and Infrared light between 600 and 680nm and 800 and 1100nm to heal ad recharge the body at a cellular level, impacting the mitochondria in numerous healthy ways. Red light acts as a mild stressor to the mitochondria which instigates mitochondrial biogenesis and stimulates health of the mitochondria. Red light, infrared light, and LLLT (low level light therapy is amazing at recharging your mitochondria. Infrared light donates photons to your mitochondria via molecules called cytochromes, which allows them to make even more ATP for energy. [24],[25],[26] It also increases mitochondrial membrane potential and upregulates mitochondrial respiration, which leads to increased ATP production and reduced ROS.[27],[28].[29] LLLT has proven in studies to directly trigger mitochondrial biogenesis. When combined with endurance or strength training the effects are intensified significantly.[30]

What to do?

There are all kinds of high quality infrared pulsing devices you can buy today. I also recommend infrared saunas. You can build your own infrared sauna at home and experience the life-prolonging effects of red light daily for years.

  1. CoQ10 for Reversing mitochondrial damage

How does it impact mitochondria?

CoQ10 is crucial for mitochondrial energy production and for repairing the mitochondria after injury. Our systems make Coq10 but we need more of it than we get from the modern diet. CoQ10improves electron transport in the mitochondria, fuels the mitochondria with necessary components to manufacture energy, and protects the mitochondria from free radical damage. It also helps the mitochondria produce ATP, our chief energy source for all actions. [31],[32],[33]

The best dietary sources of CoQ10 include animal hearts (since hearts need a lot of CoQ10 to generate the energy required to function), sardines, and virgin red palm oil. These are not foods most of us eat on a daily—or even a weekly basis.

What to do?

A high quality Coq10 supplement is a great way to protect your mitochondria and boost energy production. In general, manufacturers have recommended doses of CoQ10 ranging between 22-400 milligrams. For Alzheimer’s patients, 90-130 mgs have proven effective.


  1. Endurance exercise enhances mitochondrial biogenesis.

How does it impact mitochondria?

Endurance training[34] enhances mitochondrial biogenesis. However, with exercise if you’re always doing the same stimulus day in and day out the same, your body is going to become adapted to it, and you’re not going to experience a big benefit. Switching up types of exercise and alternating different types of endurance training yields all kinds of benefits for health and the mitochondria.[35]

What to do?

Long cycling, running, walking, aerobics—any kind of exercise you enjoy for one hour or more several times a week—alter this with sprint training for ultimate mitochondrial biogenesis.


  1. CoQ10 for Reversing mitochondrial damage

How does it impact mitochondria?

CoQ10 is crucial for mitochondrial energy production and for repairing the mitochondria after injury. Our systems make Coq10 but we need more of it than we get from the modern diet. CoQ10improves electron transport in the mitochondria, fuels the mitochondria with necessary components to manufacture energy, and protects the mitochondria from free radical damage. It also helps the mitochondria produce ATP, our chief energy source for all actions. [36],[37],[38]

The best dietary sources of CoQ10 include animal hearts (since hearts need a lot of CoQ10 to generate the energy required to function), sardines, and virgin red palm oil. These are not foods most of us eat on a daily—or even a weekly basis.

What to do? 

A high quality Coq10 supplement is a great way to protect your mitochondria and boost energy production. In general, manufacturers have recommended doses of CoQ10 ranging between 22-400 milligrams. For Alzheimer’s patients, 90-130 mgs have proven effective.


  1. Endurance exercise enhances mitochondrial biogenesis.

How does it impact mitochondria?

Endurance training[39] enhances mitochondrial biogenesis. However, with exercise if you’re always doing the same stimulus day in and day out the same, your body is going to become adapted to it, and you’re not going to experience a big benefit. Switching up types of exercise and alternating different types of endurance training yields all kinds of benefits for health and the mitochondria.[40]

What to do?

Long cycling, running, walking, aerobics—any kind of exercise you enjoy for one hour or more several times a week—alter this with sprint training for ultimate mitochondrial biogenesis.

  1. Get More PQQ

PQQ is a micro-nutrient compound found in plant foods that has proven in studies to promote mitochondrial biogenesis.[41] Researchers at UC Davis found that there are three signaling molecules activated by PQQ that cause cells to produce new mitochondria:

  • PQQ activates a “master regulator” that directly stimulates genes that enhance mitochondrial and cellular respiration, growth, and reproduction.
  • PQQ triggers the CREB signaling protein to stimulate the growth of new mitochondria.
  • PQQ regulates a cell signaling protein called DJ-1. DJ-1 is intrinsically involved in cell function and survival, has been shown to be of particular importance to brain health and function.

Given that PQQ can promote the production of new mitochondria in three different ways makes it a powerful anti-aging nutrient.[42]

PQQ is found in small quantities in virtually every plant food. Foods highest in PQQ include parsley, green peppers, kiwi, papaya, cocoa, and tofu. These foods contain about 2 to 3 mcg. per 100 grams. Pure, raw cacao powder has more than any other food. Green tea provides about the same per four ounce serving. Most dietary supplements have dosages of 20 to 40 mgs.

  1. Korean red ginseng

How does it impact the mitochondria?

Adaptogens increase your body’s resilience against stress and thereby prevent burnout and exhaustion. Part of how they do this is likely by stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis. In studies, Korean Red Ginseng proved to activate AMPK, which then activates mitochondrial biogenesis. It is also proving very effective at improving insulin sensitivity in animal studies[43]

What to do?

For regular supplementation, you can take between 200 mg and 400 mg daily (normally divided into three timey doses).

  1. Eat cruciferous vegetables

How does it impact mitochondria?

Cruciferous vegetables are healthy for you, your gut, and your mitochondria. They are rich in sulfur (an important mineral for the liver to detoxify), a compound called indole-3-carbinol (which stimulates detoxifying enzymes in the gut and liver, as well as a liver-protective phytonutrient, sufurophane).

Sulforaphane is a potent inducer of mitochondrial biogenesis and is a powerful booster of mitochondrial function.[44] It also INHIBITS mitochondrial function in cancer cells and is one of the most potent anti- cancer foods in existence.[45]

How to Apply this Tip:

Consume some kind of cruciferous vegetable EVERY DAY—ideally with breakfast. Broccoli sprouts can be grown at home very cheaply and are the absolute best source of Sulforaphane. I grow them myself in large amounts.

Many people today do not have the time to consistently restock vegetables nor cook them. For these individuals, I suggest a high quality cruciferous vegetable supplement.

  1. Reishi

Reishi is an adaptogenic medicinal mushroom that help relieve oxidative stress on the mitochondria. Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum: Reishi has shown the ability to protect cellular and mitochondrial DNA from oxidative damage,[46] increase levels of antioxidant molecules to reduce oxidation of cell membranes[47] Reishi also stimulates NGF (nerve growth factor), which stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis.[48]Reishi also has potent liver detoxification and liver reparative capabilities. Reishi helps the liver to flush out toxins fully and efficiently, which will help protect the mitochondria from damage from toxins as well.[49],[50]

How to Apply this Tip:

Recommended doses for health benefits are

  • Concentrated Reishi powder: up to 1.5 grams
  • Dried Reishi mushroom: up to 9 grams
  • Liquid Reishi tincture: 1 milliliter


  1. Strength Training

How it impacts the mitochondria

Muscle cells often contain hundreds or even thousands of mitochondria in order to support the generation of large quantities of ATP during exercise. This is because when under great stress, our muscle cells respond by overcompensating and by inducing mitochondrial biogenesis in the resting state in order to overcome future stressors. 

By doing this, mitochondria are able to consume larger amounts of oxygen, carbohydrates and fatty acids, the fuels needed to power the production of ATP.  The ability of muscles to overcompensate for exercise “stress” is exactly why frequent exercise results in increased strength, endurance, resistance to fatigue and whole body fitness. Resistance training such as Crossfit, weight lifting and body weight training can amplify the signal for mitochondrial biogenesis beyond that of aerobic exercise by itself, resulting in increased aerobic capacity, strength and resistance to fatigue.[51][52]

How to Apply this Tip:

Strength training! Also, performing a combination of resistance and aerobic exercise enhances mitochondrial biogenesis beyond that of either form of exercise in isolation because over time, we adapt to any form of exercise and it loses its hormetic effects.

  • Resveratrol
  • Resveratrol has been proven to improve mitochondrial function(in mice) and induce mitochondrial biogenesis. In recent studies on mice, resveratrol proved to be a multi-beneficial supplement for the mitochondria, preserving mitochondrial function, stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis, and attenuating oxidative stress.[53] There have been numerous studies on the power of resveratrol to enhance mitochondrial biogenesis, and for that reason, resveratrol is being studied as a possible curative for everything from cardiac disease to metabolic disease. Resveratrol has also been shown to have positive effects on age longevity and lipid levels and a preventative quality against certain cancers and viral infections.[54]

How to Apply this Tip:

You can get resveratrol naturally in grape skins and seeds, or in high quality supplements containing these. See package recommendations for dosage.

  1. ALA

Naturally occurring in foods like organ meats, especially heart, liver, and kidney, and in dark leafy greens like spinach and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, lipoic acid supplements have been shown to reduce mitochondrial decay in humans.[55] Another study, albeit in rats, found that alpha-lipoic acid, along with a few other “mitochondria supportive” supplements, improved athletic performance and sped recovery time. In both cases, it stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis.[56]

Take a high-quality supplement. Dosages vary somewhere between 600mgs and 1,200 mgs daily, but see supplement directions.



These are the most scientifically proven supplements and behaviors I have researched to create peak, lasting stamina and energy. I have made certain to include recommendations that you can use all at the same time or singly, without fear of any medical consequences.