The body composition specialist

Supplements and Supplement Combos that Fast Track FAT LOSS and Help you get healthier and leaner then ever before!

Supplements and Supplement Combos that Fast Track FAT LOSS and Help you get healthier and leaner than ever before!

Everyone says, you cannot take a pill and lose weight, especially pills that make all kinds of false claims. And they’re right. Weight loss is not magic. But improving health = fat burning. Let me explain.

There are natural compounds that increase your health level in ways that help you achieve definite and definitely faster weight loss by, for example:

  • suppressing insulin
  • helping you get unhealthy white fat off the body
  • speeding the metabolism
  • enhancing thermogenesis (fat burning)
  • aiding you burning more calories during exercise
  • balancing estrogen
  • reducing fat-gain-causing stress and cortisol

and other healthy effects that help you achieve maximum weight loss

Outside good nutrition and proper training, I have discovered over my years in training and as I have experimented with supplement after supplement, the supplements that not only help me to fast track fat burning and fat loss, but also work for my clients.

First, let’s look at the fat-loss wonder combos!

  1. Fish Oil + L-Carnitine

All our cells are made up of fat – in fact, two layers of fat surround all cells which are made up of Omega 3 fatty acids.

One reason it’s so important, in fact, to get your good fatty fish – your DHA and EPA in the diet – is because it strengthens the cell membranes, which aids in the transfer of fats out of your fat cells where it transports them into the mitochondria, and it aids in the transport of health—nutrients, fatty acids, minerals, into the mitochondria, so it can use them to produce maximum ATP – our fuel source.

The mitochondria power our organs and our bodies with the energy we need and that cycle of ATP into ADP that happens every 10 seconds when we want to – say – jump, move, run,—and this ATP to ADP back to ATP transfer only happens when our cells are in their best health, when we ingest good fats to strengthen both that membrane and aid transport of nutrients in, including FAT.

This is why you want to take carnitine—the fat burning wonder amino acid WITH fish oil. Fish oil has those healthy fats that nourish our membranes and keep them transferring nutrients in and the bad fats out so they can be burned as we run, move, jump.

This is why you also want to eat fat with any fat-soluble vitamin rich foods, like carrots, rich in a precursor of vitamin A that needs fat to perform that transformation into that real vitamin A we need for healthy eyes, skin, hair, and energy.

Plus, when your cell membranes are healthy and contain a proper ratio of Omega threes, they become more sensitive to insulin. This is good. Insulin sensitivity is what we want major. We want membranes that let that insulin in, that gets it out of the bloodstream and lowers blood sugar, helping prevent diabetes.

But back to L-Carnitine for fat burning.

Carnitine the Amino Acid like Molecule We Need for Fat Burning

Study after study confirms how crucial carnitine is for fat burning. As Kent Sahlin notes in his article “Boosting Fat Burning with Carnitine” published in the Journal of Physiology:

The balance between carbohydrates (CHO0 and lipids is regulated by a complex system with multi-site feedback and feedforward control as well as interaction between the pathways. Carnitine has a crucial role in lipid oxidation. See article.

Professor Luppa, from the University of Leipzig, believes that the value of carnitine lies its dual ability to enhance the mitochondria’s ability to breakdown fatty acids to use for energy (as opposed to them being stored as fat), and that it’s good for the fat metabolism and stimulating carb and fat metabolism as well, noting that:

In regards to the prevention of obesity, it can be said that current measures to improve the breakdown of fat are more effective than the propagated restrictions on fat intake in the diet. However, the precondition is the optimal functioning of the fat metabolism and its regulation. L-carnitine plays a decisive role as an essential co-factor in both cases. A deficiency in l-carnitine reduces the breakdown of fatty acids in the mitochondrial matrix due to its function as a carrier. L-carnitine is also important in regulating fat and carbohydrate metabolism for it is a substrate of the carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT).” See study

Another study in Switzerland has proven that carnitine boost mobilization of fatty acids from the fat cells and increases fat burning of these adipocytes as well.

Furthermore, work by two scientists from Switzerland and the USA has now proved that the administration of carnitine can boost mobilization of fatty acids from the adipocytes (fat cells) and also increase oxidation of fatty acids in these cells. See study.

In short, carnitine + omega 3 fatty acids enhance transport of fat out of your fat cells in the belly, for example, and into the mitochondria so you can burn them off during your next visit to the gym. This will give you that kind of stellar, premium-leaded fuel for thinking, playing, and exercise that you need to be that ultimate, driven you that you want to be! Think keto fuel. You’ll get more of that premium leaded gas to run on instead of dirty diesel fuel. 

Green tea + caffeine

Taking Green Tea with caffeine is super for fat burning with no reported studies of negative side effects.

Studies show time after time these two supplements, when taken together, really help people achieve major weight loss.

In a study at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, researchers put 76 women on a supplement of green tea and caffeine. The study lasted for a 4-week weight loss period followed by a 3-month weight maintenance period.

The green tea and caffeine drinkers experienced reduced waist circumference, reduced BMI, and reductions in weight and total body fat. But what reduced body weight, waist size, and body fat. Compared to their baseline, the caffeine and green tea group experienced less hunger, as well as improved leptin levels, which play a big role in the body’s ability to convert food into energy instead of storing it as fat. And once the weight was lost, the caffeine and green tea mix had a positive effect on weight management. See study.

Although scientists aren’t quite sure what makes green tea work when combined with caffeine, they believe it has to do with the catechins in green tea.

Plus, caffeine helps with “perceived fatigue,” meaning you’ll enjoy exercising more with less exhaustion and more joy – longer. See studies.

Overall, studies on green tea catechins and caffeine combined provides compelling evidence that the combination does have a significant impact on resting metabolism and shift fuel to a greater reliance on fat.

L-Arginine and Glutamine

Arginine is an amino acid which can enhance GH secretion. For example, when patients are given arginine after surgery, it helps them heal quicker.

This release of growth hormone not only helps burn fat, it helps transform dangerous white fat, the kind that begins to surround your organs and impact health (and leads, eventually, to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and the whole domino effect that ends in death) and it also helps transform fat into that brown, healthy fat we all want.

Yes, there is a good kind of fat. Brown fat, like muscle, helps us lose more weight—it creates a thermogenic effect in the body. People with low BMIs also have less white fat and more brown fat. In a recent study on mice—and this is pretty amazing, supplementing with arginine proved to decrease white fat by 98%.

Arginine also, as these researchers note,

reduced the relative weights of white fat pads by 30% and enhanced those of soleus muscle by 13%, extensor digitorum longus muscle by 11%, and brown fat by 34% compared with control rats. [And] arginine treatment resulted in lower serum concentrations of leptin, glucose, triglycerides, urea, glutamine, and branched-chain amino acids, higher serum concentrations of nitric-oxide metabolites, and improvement in glucose tolerance. Thus, dietary arginine supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote muscle over fat gain and may provide a useful treatment for improving the metabolic profile and reducing body white fat in diet-induced obese rats. See study

When combined with another amino acid, glutamine, arginine is especially effective. Glutamine works with arginine’s fat burning, brown-fat enhancing powers while boosting metabolic rate, giving you a higher metabolism + fat loss.

Researchers have found that patients who take glutamine at breakfast burn more fat and calories a day compared to placebos and have found that glutamine before exercise results in more calories being burned than when subjects took the other amino mixture. In addition, glutamine is effective at boosting GH. While GH is very anabolic, it also works to increase lipolysis, which frees fat from fat cells. See study

Another recent 2014 study yielded even more amazing results. Scientists found that in a study of obese women, those who supplemented with glutamine, reduced waist circumference, lost weight, and reduced their HOMA IR score by 20% — meaning, they reduced their risk for insulin resistance by 20%.


Many recent studies have proven that supplementing with Yohimbe stimulates both weight loss and that fat burning – and that both are greatly enhanced when one engages in exercise while supplementing. See study.

A 2002 study found that it boosts lipolysis (fat burning) and serum FFA levels both during and following exercise. And in a very short time.

In fact, in just three-weeks on Yohimbe, participants lost three more pounds that those on the placebo. This is a significant amount of weight for three weeks from a supplement, as most supplements only yield that kind of weight loss in months. See study.

DIM—The Estrogen-Lowering Cruciferous Vegetable Rich Fat Burning Wonder

Consuming large amounts of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, and Brussel sprouts, yes, all those ones we are so familiar with– but also ones you might not normally come to mind such as collard and mustard greens, radishes, cabbage and beet roots—all of these “crucifies” as my GF calls them– improve the production of “good” estrogen and foster an optimum 2/16 estrogen ratio. So CVs can help reverse estrogen dominance – which will greatly impede weight loss and keep you heavier than you should be. DIM is like cruciferous vegetables in a capsule. DIM is rich in a phytonutrient that is much like the compound Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) which is found in cruciferous vegetables.

DIM helps improve estrogen balance and estrogen metabolism by enhancing good estrogen production and fat loss as well. DIM also can enhance ketosis, so more fat burning occurs more readily for women on carbohydrate diets (and probably estrogen dominant men as well).

So keto lovers, listen up—DIM will help you stay in keto much easier.

And – it won’t bloat you the way “crucifies” will so you’ll look slimmer while you’re getting slimmer. See study.


Ashwagandha is a highly revered adaptogenic herb, meaning it’s fantastic for reducing stress—Reducing stress reduces cortisol production which leads to fat gain and fat storage, especially an accumulation of belly fat, which begins to act as an endocrine gland and attract and manufacture more fat. WOW. That’s something we want t avoid, right? And studies prove that ashwagandha supplementation is not only good for the thyroid, metabolism-revving T4 output, it also reduces cortisol levels by a whopping 28%.


Fenugreek is a supplement I don’t believe enough people know about yet—and it’s so great for tapping into fat burning because it is so good for improving INSULIN—blood sugar, insulin sensitivity – all of it.

What studies have shown in fact is that even after meals, when blood sugar naturally rises with the ingestion of ANYTHING except pure fat, your blood sugar rises, insulin whisks into lower your blood sugar by pushing glucose into cells and out of the bloodstream.

As long as insulin stays high—such as when you ingest MSG-loaded fast food, which spikes insulin over 300% — while breaded sweet and sour chicken boosts blood sugar 200%– then blood sugar is going to stay high a long, long time. But Fenugreek helps squash high blood sugar—even when you eat carbs. Not that it could do the much in the face of spikes like those I just mentioned.

Fenugreek contains galactomannan, a form of soluble fiber which helps to curb appetite and reduce weight. soluble fiber, which helps lower blood sugar by slowing down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. All kinds of studies have proven the anti-diabetic benefits of fenugreek.

Of these, several proved that fenugreek seeds lower blood glucose levels and improve glucose tolerance.

In one study, researchers in India found that adding 100 grams of defatted fenugreek seed powder to the daily diet of patients with insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes significantly reduced their fasting blood glucose levels, improved glucose tolerance and also lowered total cholesterol, LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol and triglycerides.


In a more recent study, 24 type 2 diabetic patients were placed on powdered fenugreek (10 grams/day for 8 weeks). Weight, FBS, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and food record were measured before and after the study.

After just 8 weeks of supplementing, fasting blood sugar decreased significantly—25% in fact, and their triglycerides decreased by 30%–these are amazing numbers to achieve this fast. In fact, it means someone with a high fasting blood sugar of 160 could lower theirs to 120 (normal) after just 8 weeks. And who knows how much more if the study would have gone on longer. What does this mean for us normal folks? Not getting diabetes! See study.

Oh yeah, what you do is soak the seeds overnight in water and drink them as soon as you get up!


So, yes, although most people in the real know will tell you that you cannot lose weight with a pill—you can lose weight with natural compounds these that help you to free up fatty acids and burn fat by naturally increasing thermogenesis and driving fat to the mitochondria of your cells.

Just like keto helps you to run on your own fat stores instead of glucose, these compounds help create such a state of health in your body that your body gets thinner by becoming less diabetic, by enhancing brown to white fat rations, and by improving lean muscle status and whittling white fat off the body.

Good luck to you.

Jackson Litchfield