The body composition specialist

The 14 day get shredded diet



Part 1: Nutrition and supplementation

14 days to shredded- Your simple guide to fast change through calculated eating.

The 14 days is designed to produce a drastic fat loss change and continue to do so beyond the 14 days assuming the principles are continued. I will follow up with part two on how to continually progress post 14 day challenge ie what, when and how to reintroduce new macronutrient ratios and quantities.

Complexity it the killer of execution so what i will try to do for you is make it clear, simple and highly effective.

The 14 days is designed to:

  • Reset the body and kickstart a fat loss breakthrough
  • Balance blood sugar levels and achieve desirable insulin markers.
  • Lower inflammation through quality nutritional consumption
  • Provide the body with the right fuel that is synergistic with fat loss and lean muscle preservation/gains
  • Teach habits such as portions, meal structure and meal timing
  • Give you more energy to concentrate, train and function optimally.

So lets take a look at whats in store:


Principle 1) First and foremost, no food toxins are to be consumed on the 14 day challenge:

They are:

  • Cereal grains (especially refined flour)
  • Omega-6 industrial seed oils (corn, cottonseed, safflower, soybean, etc.)
  • Sugar (especially high-fructose corn syrup)
  • Processed soy (soy milk, soy protein, soy flour, etc.)

For a comprehensive rundown on food toxins:


Principle 2: Start with choosing a quality animal based protein source

Aim for 0.82 grams per pound (lbs) of body weight or 1.8 g per kilo (kgs) of body weight


60 kgs or 132 pound female would take: 108 grams spread over the day

80 kgs or 176 pound male would take: 144 grams spread over the day

Choose from:

  • Lean paleo proteins, all animals must be grass fed or free range / wild:
  • Beef; Flank steak, Top sirloin steak, chuck steak, lean veal or any other lean cut
  • Lean Pork
  • Lean Poultry
  • Rabbit meat, Goat meat
  • Game meats; ostrich, kangaroo, venison, emu.
  • Fish and shellfish – all. Fresh fish is better than canned. Occasional canned only if – no salt and only
  • spring water or healthy oils like olive.
  • Organ meats; calf liver (young animals are lower in toxins), kidney
  • Beef, lamb and pork tongues,
  • Beef, lamb and pork sweetbreads.
  • Lean nitrate free bacon is okay occasionally – some of the Freedom farm range, check labels, can be
  • high in salt


Principle 2: Eat only low starch vegetables- As much as you want at this stage

Its really hard to over eat low starch vegetables plus they are loaded with micronutrients that greatly assist in fat loss. At this stage add as much as you like to your plate based on hunger.

Vegetable list

  • Sprouts, alfalfa and other small seeds (sprouted legumes have more carb)
  • Greens – lettuce, spinach, chard etc.
  • Hearty Greens – collard, mustard greens, kale, etc.
  • Radicchio and endive count as greens
  • Herbs – parsley, cilantro, basil, rosemary, thyme, etc.
  • Bok Choy
  • Bamboo Shoots
  • Celery
  • Radishes
  • Sea Vegetables (Nori, etc)
  • Mushrooms
  • Cabbage (or sauerkraut)
  • Jicama
  • Asparagus
  • Okra
  • Cucumbers (or pickles without added sugars)
  • Green Beans and Wax Beans
  • Fennel
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Peppers
  • Green Bell Peppers
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Jalapeno Peppers
  • Summer Squash
  • Zuchinni
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Scallions or green onions
  • Snow Peas/Snap Peas/Pea Pods
  • Eggplant
  • Artichokes
  • Turnips
  • Rutabagas
  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Celery Root (Celeriac)
  • Onions
  • Leeks

Principle 3: Eat a good fat source at every meal

Throughout the 14 days we will be using good fats as the primary source of energy. Keeping blood sugar low and providing sustainable energy is the objective. As a general rule of thumb stick between 15-25 grams of fat per meal (60-100 g daily) from the following list:

  • Almond butter
  • Almonds
  • Avocado
  • Black sesame seed paste
  • Cacao butter
  • Chia seeds
  • Clarified butter
  • Coconut (meat, milk, oil)
  • Duck fat
  • Egg yolks
  • Ghee
  • Hazelnut butter
  • Hazelnuts
  • Lard
  • Macadamia nut butter
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Mayonnaise (properly made with olive oil and raw egg yolks and no gluten)
  • Olive Oil
  • Olives
  • Organic butter
  • Palm kernel oil
  • Palm oil
  • Pecans
  • Pistachios
  • Pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
  • Schmaltz (chicken fat)
  • Suet
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • Tallow
  • Walnuts


Principle 4: Eat 4-5 times a day for steady blood sugar

At this point we know what to avoid and what our plates should look like at every meal.

  • protein source (as per protein equation)
  • Low starch veg (unlimited)
  • Good fats (15-25g)

Eating small amounts throughout the day will help manage blood sugar and potentially kill food cravings. Here is and example of how a days food should look for a 55 kg female:

Macros Grams
Protein 100g

Based on protein calculation



Carbs Green veg only




Fats 60-100g

15-25 grams per meal




Actual grams Cooking weight
Meal 1 Pro 25g 100g Scallops
Car Unlimited green salad
Fat  20g Nut butter
Meal 2 Pro 25g 100g Chicken
Car Unlimited kale and mushrooms
Fat  20g Olive oil
Meal 3 Pro 25g 100g Turkey
Car Unlimited Spinach 
Fat  20g Coconut oil
Meal 4 Pro 25g 100g Chicken
Car unlimited sauerkraut
Fat  20g Organic Butter


Principle 5: Supplement general health protocol and fat loss kicker – Optional*

Foundation nutrients for better health and fat loss


1- Broad spectrum enzyme/ HCL: Digestive enzyme for food absorption

  • Enhance nutrition absorption and prevent nutritional deficiency.
  • For this reason a broad spectrum enzyme is included to increase uptake all of macros, vitamins and minerals


2- Magnesium:

  • Enhances recovery form training
  • Assists sleeping patterns especially with the change in diet
  • Plays a strong role in insulin sensitivity
  • Corrects mineral deficiencies


3- Zinc (uber zinc): For testosterone production

  • Aids testosterone production
  • Corrects mineral deficiencies
  • The great organiser, helps organise all the processes of the human body.


4- Multi vitamin (Multi intense):

  • For detoxification and cell health.
  • Help offset all the decencies in previous diets.
  • Helps energy production
  • Contains stress lowering Vitamins and minerals


5- Fish oil (High concentrate epa/dha):

  • Will help regulate omega 3-6-9 balance leading to lower inflammation
  • Turns on the bodies natural fat burners and turns off fat storing genes.
  • Good for brain function given the change in diet once again
  • Keeps Joints healthy throughout the transformation especially if weight training is added.


6- Carnatine:

  • To help the body switch to fat as a fuel source allowing a faster adaptation time for the transformation.
  • Faster adaptation means less stress and faster fat loss.
  • Good when paired with fish oil for fat burning and brain function.


Fat loss boosters- Optional 

7-  Yohimbine

  • Helps block Alpha-2 receptor sites allowing lipolysis (the release of fatty acids) especially in sites of the body that Alpha-2 receptors tend to preferentially accumulate fat; abdomen, breasts, buttocks and thighs


8- Essential amino acids (In and around weight training)

  • Improved Muscle Growth
  • Increased Endurance
  • Greater Fat Burn
  • Increased Mental Focus
  • Improved Recovery


Principle 6: Reefed meal post 14 days

The light at the end of the tunnel!

After 14 days of straight low carb toxin free eating you now have full permission to spend a day eating your favourite foods as you wish. There are some guidelines to this principle though, i mean after all we don’t want to ruin all the hard work just put in.

So here are the guidelines on how to load up without taking anything away from what you have just achieved:

  • Train on this day so the calories can be used for building muscle tissue and recovery
  • Eat protein for breakfast then anything else is fair game
  • Try not to exceed 3 times the amount of calories compared to the 14 days
  • Plan the day in advance and be sure its on the 15th day, we want 2 weeks of clean eating before you get to revisit old habits.
  • Enjoy! I encourage people to have a good relationship with food. My advice is to enjoy this with loved ones and make it a social outing.


Principle 7: ** Optional extra strict and calculated version of the 14 day shred. 

For those who wish to take on a more calculated and aggressive approach i have designed an exact plan for the 14 days featuring exact calorie and macronutrient planning. This approach is only good for a short stint due to the total calories, however in saying that it will produce some desirable body composition results. Its purpose is to reduce as much body fat over the shortest possible timeline. It should only be used in bursts and not to be abused by extending the duration.

Low calorie eating for a short stint has its upsides:

  • Regulate eating patterns
  • Teach optimal portion control
  • Give organs and digestion a break from over eating calories
  • Understand what you body is sensitive too by creating constant variables

So lets get stuck into the details:

Your formula for calculating daily calorie intake

Body weight in pounds times 10


150 lbs equates to 1500 cals a day

200 lbs equates to 2000 cals a day

250 lbs equates to 2500 cals a day


The macro split:

Protein 40 %

  • From clean organic sources


Carbs 10 %

  • From low starch vegetables


Fats 50%

  • From quality good fat sources


*** Same as above list for the concept based eating

See my article for macro disruption based on quality.

Example of how to get your macros in grams and calories for the total day:


For your reference:

Protein has 4 calories per gram

Carbs have 4 calories per gram

Fat has 9 calories per gram


Here is how it looks:

Body weight Total Calories Protein Carbs Fats
125 lbs 1250 500cals

125 grams


31.2 grams


69 grams

150 lbs 1500 600 cals

150 grams

150 cals

37.5 grams


83 grams

175 lbs 1750 700 cals

175 grams

175 cals

43 grams


97 grams

200 lbs 2000 800 cals

200 grams

200 cals

50 grams


111 grams

225 lbs 2250 900 cals

225 grams

225 cals

56 grams

1125 cals

125 grams



Meal breakdowns:

Now we want to eat 4 meals a day to space the macronutrients out and keep blood sugar relatively stable for the day.

So here is what the above calculations look like at each meal:


Body weight Calories/Meal Protein Carbs Fats
125 lbs 315 30 g 8g 17g
150 lbs 375 38 g 10g 20g
175 lbs 450 45g 12 g 25g
200 lbs 500 50g 14g 28g
225 lbs 550 55g 16g 32g


Finally, I believe that nutritional programs should be about long term concepts that promote sustainable and balanced eating. However, i am also of the belief that occasionally doing bursts of controlled eating that are designed for body composition results are a good thing. If we want to illicit change in the body one must force an adaptation. Hence the above program does exactly that and is designed to get you on the lean side in good time.  It is a tough 14 days considering there is a zero tolerance for eating toxic food and may require some effort to organise. However I assure you the juice is worth the squeeze and the 14 days may be just what you have needed to take that big leap towards your ideal physique.

Yours in health and optimal leanness,

Jackson Litchfield