The body composition specialist

The right way to hustle for that muscle

Gaining legitimate lean muscle tissue is something I rarely see happen. Gaining weight with a mixture or water, body fat and SOME muscle tissue gain is the most common outcome. Why is this so? 

I believe it is because there are two parts to this and most people often neglect the fundamentals of health first. 

Physiologically speaking the last thing on the bodies priority list to do is gain muscle tissue or lose body fat. This is because everything else in the body must be firing efficiently for your body to attend to such requests. For example here are a few often overlooked factors the produce rapid growth, you could delve in deeper however these are the main variables I consider when working with someone:

Hormonal health factors 

  • Stress ratio (cortisol) 
  • Dhea levels 
  • Good testosterone levels both free and total count 
  • Oestrogen and aromatisation 
  • Insulin and glucagon 
  • Growth hormone and igf-1 production 

General health factors 

  • Cellular health 
  • Vitamin status 
  • Mineral status 
  • Digestive health
  • Heart health
  • Liver function 
  • Inflammation levels 

Lifestyle factors 

  • Sleep 
  • Relationships 
  • Psychology – state of mind and attitude 
  • Thorough goal setting and planning

* Bioprint and thorough blood work is the most comprehensive way to obtain the above data. 

The second part is more commonly known and is more about engineering the framework. Below are some of the main considerations I would go through when designing a protocol for lean muscle tissue gain. 

Training and program design 

  • training split
  • exercise selection
  • frequency 
  • periodisation methods ie load, tempo, rest, volume etc

Nutrition and supplementation. 

  • correct macros 
  • adequate micro nutrients 
  • pre, during and post nutrition 
  • Supplementation for recovery 

If putting on lean muscle tissue is what you desire then be sure to work from the inside out. This way results will manifest fast and will be there to stay as a well designed root-cause solution will always trump any form of short term strategy.